Does SMS and Email Marketing Help in the Growth of A Business?

The world is online, and that’s a fact. You may be reading this in 2020 and going, “Emails, we can understand. But how does SMS still hold relevance in business? We’ve all transitioned to Whatsapp and Instagram now.” Instead of engaging you in an argument, we shall let some facts speak for themselves.


Permission-Based Approach

Ever received annoying ‘wants to contact you’ messages? Worse, have you actually been messaged by someone you have no clue about? Imagine ten or more such brands bombarding you with ‘come shop with us’ demands, and they did not even say ‘May I?’

  • Email newsletters can be weekly or monthly, meaning little to no spam for the customer
  • They make the customer choose, instead of subjecting them to a surprise they may not want, let alone be ready for
  • Much the same can be said about SMS travel notifications (more on this later)

This may well be the age of Whatsapp and Instagram, but it is also the age of Consent. Personalized moves help you as a brand or service find apt audiences. It is ridiculously simple: who chooses to follow you will sooner or later shop with you.


SMS, More Power to You

Nearly everyone will know what it feels like to avoid entering an app, so you don’t intimate select people that you are online. With SMS marketing, nobody will ever know. The customer sees the text message and gets back to work, clicking on internal links only if they want to. This ties up nicely with the permission-based approach, detailed above.

  • SMS marketing helps people stay connected with your brand and serves as an elegant reminder
  • Speaking of reminders, you can prepare customers in advance to expect an email from your brand or service
  • You can also inform them to check if your emails are going to the Spam folder
  • Emails can carry the bulk of your content, while SMSs serve to ‘close the deal’ at a later time

All these moves ensure that a customer feels wanted, that you are giving them individualized attention. Psychologically, it primes them to think of you in a good light when the time comes, and they are ready to do some shopping.


Happy Birthday!

We wanted to take this moment to instill the power of a birthday email message, sent to your customers on, duh, their birthday.

  • As people in a fast-paced digital society, we are more inclined to have Facebook remind us of upcoming birthdays than we are to open, say, a journal or diary and mark the date on a wall calendar like our parents and grandparents used to do
  • By wishing people on their birthdays, you perform an ultra-simple ‘marketing via bonding’ move that will, in all probability, set you up for customer-centric success.



Here are a few statistics to bear in mind, courtesy Wigzo:-

  • “59% of survey respondents say personalized and innovative email influences their online purchase decisions.”
  • “25% of companies in one survey said that email marketing is one of their ideal channels in terms of ROI.”
  • “66% of the audience prefer SMS over email/call as it is an instant and convenient way to connect with the brand and get real-time information of the products and offers.”
  • “Outclass personalized SMS experience can offer 55% of the audience to happily buy more products and increase customer engagement.”

This marketing strategy is working great these days when nearly everyone in the world can be found online. Mo Mantra will help you attract customers through SMS and email marketing. We formulate marketing campaign strategies of brands old and new.






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