Mistakes to be Avoided on Social Media

Avoidable mistakes on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Which are crucial tools of every social media marketer. Almost every brand, businesses, and influencers are in a cut-throat competition to be unique. Your best intentions and time might not be enough to create a content reach, resulting in people not loving and sharing […]

Key Principle of Growth Marketing on LinkedIn.

Marketers often tend to cater to one element of the marketing strategy through a singular outlook. Typically marketers spend more on-demand marketing than brand marketing. However, the research shows that balanced investment in both can help to optimize your growth marketing. These are the key principles that call for a Balanced Approach to your Brand. […]

How To Measure SEO Performance And Results

SEO is the most effective digital marketing strategy. Proficient SEOs track everything from rankings and conversions to lost links and more to help demonstrate the worth of Search Engine Optimization. Estimating the effect of your work and continuous refinement is basic to your SEO achievement, customer maintenance, and perceived value. In any case, having an […]

How The Real Estate Sector Uses Digital Performance Marketing Channels?

The real estate business is increasingly finding itself moving more towards digital marketing strategies. Online engagement is the best way now to find interested potential buyers. But for digital advertising in real estate, there remains the added problem of creating trust in the user to ensure conversion. Certain digital performance marketing channels are more useful […]

How to Use & Create LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms

Introduction Now lead generation ads have got a fillip because LinkedIn’s new exciting feature called Lead Gen Forms makes it possible to generate leads while using the LinkedIn app. LinkedIn states that most conversions happen via the mobile app; therefore when using this feature ensure to prioritize mobile ads. LinkedIn believes that web forms do […]

Ankit Nalotia – CEO and Founder of MoMantra – Receiver of IMPACT Digital Power 100 Recognition

India is prepared to redefine further; it’s already transforming economy. Enormous opportunities prevail for organizations and individuals to leverage various digital infrastructure platforms to create and ride on a new wave of digital innovation. With a boom in the Internet, digital marketing has become a prime source of bringing business through the Internet and thereby […]

Does SMS and Email Marketing Help in the Growth of A Business?

The world is online, and that’s a fact. You may be reading this in 2020 and going, “Emails, we can understand. But how does SMS still hold relevance in business? We’ve all transitioned to Whatsapp and Instagram now.” Instead of engaging you in an argument, we shall let some facts speak for themselves.   Permission-Based […]