Experience Matters: Google Local Listing Will Now Show The Number Of Years In Business

Experience always has enormous value to customers when choosing a product or a service. Customers always tend to go for businesses that have been in business for longer and are more established. 

But previously, Google users had no way of getting this information from their local pack listing for businesses. Now Google has launched a new feature that makes it possible for a business to add the number of years they have been in operation. 


How does it help?

When customers see that a business has been in operation for a few years, it helps them trust the company. They will be more likely to choose a product or service from them. Local SEO listing help business to reach to their perfect audience.


Seeing when a business first opened its doors can lead customers to open their listing over other enterprises in the same market. Opening a listing will mean that chances of conversion will also go up. Users who open the listing might call that business or visit in person. 


How to use the feature?

Businesses can only put in their date of starting operation. Google will calculate and display the number of years they have been in business.


Businesses will have to log in to their Google My Business profile. They will then open their ‘location’ tab and then click ‘info.’ In this ‘info’ section, there will be an option to ‘add opening date.’ Businesses that put this information will have their number of years of experience displayed on the local listing. When users find their listing on the local pack, the years in the business tag will be displayed.


Add tags for the future

But not only has Google stopped at just putting in how long a business has been operating. They are now adding another feature where businesses can also put in the date when they will open in the future. New companies hoping to open at new locations will be able to put in the address and the future opening date of that location. A potential customer base will be created for a business even before it has officially opened its doors. 

Businesses with already established brands can utilize the future opening date feature to generate interest in their original enterprise’s new location or branch.


Build trust

Business owners believe that when a customer sees the 5+ years or the 10+years or the 25+ years tag on a business’s listing, it immediately gives them an edge over other competitors. Experience creates trust in customers, which is an essential ingredient for final conversion.


It is not essential to put in the years in business for an enterprise to get listed. But those who choose to can utilize this feature to build their brand identity.

In the 21st century, a local listing on Google is the best possible way for a business to find new customers. So a tag that instantly cultivates faith within its audience is beneficial for business owners to create a loyal customer base for their products and services.

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