Are Print Ads Really Effective?

Results speak louder then rumours. That said, it is only fair to test the effectiveness of print ads against real results. Is this ad medium dead, thriving, or somewhere in between?


  1. People Interaction

Despite the Digital Age and its growing prominence in everyone’s lives, people are still drawn to good old-fashioned paper products. These can be anything from journals and novels to maps, calendars, and print ads.

  • According to ‘SFGate’, a print-based visual “involves more emotional processing, which is important for memory and brand associations.”
  • People tend to look longer at print ads than their digital counterparts
  • Also, people more easily recall a print ad they saw
  • Greater subconscious value is placed on print ads than any other type of ad.


  1. Customer Conversion

According to an article by Sabline Carbaugh on LinkedIn, around 80% of prospective customers respond to direct printed mail advertisements. Only 45% are said to act on anything electronic.

  • Once again, memory tests were involved in these processes
  • Print ads were more easily recalled than e-ads
  • Print ads distinctly influence people’s buying decisions
  • The worth of any good advertisement relies on how well it can influence people to ‘do more’.


  1. Trust Building

When it comes down to it, all great adverts need to inspire trust. Fake advertising and the Internet have been besties for a long time, which lends added credibility to print ads. With them, even the advertiser will be less inclined to invest in misleading marketing campaigns.

  • According to a statistic run by MarketingSherpa, Print ads like newspapers and magazines top the list of most trusted ad sources
  • One of the most defining features of print ads is that people do not need to suffer from pop-ups or unwanted service flashes. It’s just them and the advertisement
  • This straightforward approach is highly appreciated among young and old customers alike.


  1. Demographic Targeting

This point is especially useful for small businesses who are prone to categorizing their ‘loyal customer bases’ into demographics.

  • This method helps business operators target their preferred demographic base with particular types of ads
  • By placing print ads in publications, businesses have found that they reach a lot more people, and earn improved leads, as opposed to trying to land their support via electronic means
  • As compared to an online marketing agency, customers have proven to respond to print ads quicker and with more definite action.



Magazines and newspapers are not just a collection of advertisements. They inform readers and subscribers, adding to their sense of ‘value for money’. When these same people encounter print ads in these mediums, they respond to it with a sense of ‘informed trust’.

Mo Mantra combines print ads with highly targeted digital campaigns, making it the best bet for any business, large or small.

It is not recommended that you select one advertising medium over another. Print ads still hold fast to their crown; we help to ‘ally’ them with digital kingdoms. The ‘marriage’ is sure to smoothen all your marketing woes and help you keep one foot in the traditional past and another in the 2K future.

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